r-controlled vowels word list pdf

r-controlled vowels word list pdf

less than a minute read 06-09-2024
r-controlled vowels word list pdf

R-controlled vowels are an essential part of phonics instruction. They occur when a vowel is followed by the letter 'r', which changes the way the vowel is pronounced. Understanding r-controlled vowels is crucial for developing reading and spelling skills. This article will provide a comprehensive list of r-controlled vowel words, which can be helpful for educators and parents.

What are R-Controlled Vowels?

R-controlled vowels occur when a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) is followed by the letter 'r'. The 'r' affects the vowel's sound, making it unique compared to the standard vowel sounds. Here are the primary r-controlled vowels:

  • ar as in "car"
  • er as in "her"
  • ir as in "bird"
  • or as in "for"
  • ur as in "fur"

List of R-Controlled Vowel Words

Words with "ar"

  • car
  • star
  • bar
  • far
  • card
  • hard

Words with "er"

  • her
  • here
  • term
  • bird
  • first
  • serve

Words with "ir"

  • bird
  • stir
  • whirl
  • firm
  • girl
  • third

Words with "or"

  • for
  • door
  • short
  • fork
  • storm
  • horn

Words with "ur"

  • fur
  • burn
  • hurt
  • turn
  • curl
  • pure

Creating an R-Controlled Vowel Word List PDF

To create a PDF document with these r-controlled vowel words, follow these steps:

  1. Collect the Word List: Use the lists provided above or expand them with additional examples.
  2. Format the Document: Use a word processor to organize the lists clearly. Consider using headings for each r-controlled vowel category.
  3. Export as PDF: Once your document is ready, use the 'Export' or 'Save As' function in your word processor to save the document as a PDF.


R-controlled vowels play a significant role in reading and literacy development. By familiarizing students or children with words that contain r-controlled vowels, you can enhance their reading skills and comprehension. Utilizing a word list in a PDF format allows for easy sharing and accessibility for both educators and parents.

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