words with c.

words with c.

less than a minute read 01-09-2024
words with c.

When exploring the English language, you’ll find that the letter "C" plays a significant role in forming various words. This article will delve into words that start with, contain, or end with the letter "C," showcasing their meanings and usage.

Types of Words with C

1. Words Starting with C

Many common words start with the letter "C." Here are a few examples:

  • Cat: A small domesticated carnivorous mammal.
  • Candle: A stick of wax with a wick in the middle, used for illumination.
  • Creative: Having the ability or power to create; imaginative.

2. Words Containing C

The letter "C" appears in many words throughout the English language. Some examples include:

  • Ocean: A large body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth's surface.
  • Cyclic: Occurring in cycles; characterized by a circular motion or pattern.
  • Accent: A way of pronouncing words that indicates the region or social background of the speaker.

3. Words Ending with C

There are also several words that end with the letter "C." Here are some notable ones:

  • Music: The art of arranging sounds in time to produce a composition.
  • Plastic: A synthetic material made from a wide range of organic polymers.
  • Basic: Forming an essential foundation; fundamental.

Fun Facts About the Letter C

  • The letter "C" can represent different sounds, such as /k/ in "cat" and /s/ in "city."
  • In Roman numerals, "C" stands for 100.
  • "C" is the third letter of the English alphabet, following "B" and preceding "D."


Words containing the letter "C" are abundant in the English language, covering a wide range of meanings and uses. Whether they start with, contain, or end with "C," these words enrich our vocabulary and communication. By expanding your knowledge of such words, you can enhance your language skills and express yourself more effectively.

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